What's New in the Whitewater Archives?
October 1996
The Archives have grown so large that it can be difficult to see when new material is added, so the "What's New" pages list the additions in reverse chronological order (since mid-May 1996). Note that "new" means new to the Archives, not necessarily newly-published. Some of the newly-added stuff may, in fact, be older stories that have been captured here just before they disappeared into that great Internet trash-bucket in the sky.
October 31, 1996
October 29, 1996
- On AOD Arrest - by Jim Norman, posted to the Internet October 28, 1996 [Foster page]
- Added link to Brian Redman (Conspiracy Nation) to main page
October 28, 1996
- TESTIMONY OF SPECIAL COUNSEL JACK A. BLUM, Senate Intelligence Hearing on Drug Trafficking And The Contra War, October 23, 1996 - Washington Weekly, October 28, 1996 [Mena page]
- Dole haunted by return of an old affair - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Electronic Telegraph, October 27, 1996 [not on any page, because there isn't any appropriate spot for it, but good reading nevertheless]
- Trouble awaits Clinton - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, October 26, 1996 [Other page]
- The Starr Indictments II - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet October 27, 1996 [Whitewater page]
October 25, 1996
October 24, 1996
- Weekly Commentary
by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator, posted to the Internet September 27, 1996 [pointer, Whitewater page]
- Weekly Commentary
by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator, posted to the Internet October 4, 1996 [pointer, Other page]
October 23, 1996
- Lippo-Suction Scandal Monologue of Rush Limbaugh - Rush Limbaugh's summary of the situation on the Lippo Group of Indonesia and its buying of the Clinton Administration since Arkansas days -- the Rush Limbaugh show, October 22, 1996
- Pathological politics - Progressive Review, October 12, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Spooks spooked by Contra drug story - Progressive Review, October 12, 1996 [Mena page]
- SPECIAL REPORT: LIPPO-SUCTION, Or how an employee of Sea World Indonesia and a Buddhist nun ended up bankrolling the Clinton campaign - Progressive Review, October 18, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Some notes on the background of the Lippo-Clinton connections - by George J. Aditjondro, posted to the Internet October 18, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- The Coke Was Stored in Hangars 4 and 5 - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet October 2, 1996 [Mena page]
- CIA Drugs: The Record Ignored - by Joe Horman, posted to the Internet October 22, 1996 [Mena page]
- R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., editor of The American Spectator, on "Quinn in the Morning" Show, WRRK 97 FM, Pittsburgh, PA, October 18, 1996 [Mena and Other pages]
October 21, 1996
October 16, 1996
- Deposition of Craig Livingstone before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., September 24, 1996 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 [Whitewater page]
- Investigation into the White House and Department of Justice on Security of FBI Background Files, Interim Report by the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, together with Additional and Minority Views, September 28, 1996 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 [Whitewater page]
October 15, 1996
October 10, 1996
October 8, 1996
- Call girl's diary could put Hillary in the dock - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, September 17, 1996 [Whitewater and Other pages]
- How vanity led to downfall of Clinton's guru - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, August 30, 1996 [Other page]
- Clinton's big day tarnished as adviser quits over prostitute - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, August 30, 1996 [Other page]
- Sex scandal fails to dent Clinton's lead - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, August 31, 1996 [Other page]
- Angry Clinton 'punched aide' - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Electronic Telegraph, September 1, 1996 [Other page]
October 7, 1996
- WHITEWASH - "Investigative Reports" "Examines" Vince Foster Death (Arts & Entertainment cable TV, October 5, 1996) - by Brian Redman, "Conspiracy Nation", October 5, 1996 [Foster page]
- Phone call rings Clinton alarm bells - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Electronic Telegraph, October 6, 1996 [Foster and Mena pages]
October 4, 1996
October 3, 1996
- Inquiry into CIA link with Contra rebels 'selling cocaine' - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, September 23, 1996 [Mena page]
- Dole supporters sniff out 'cocaine use' by Clinton - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Electronic Telegraph, September 22, 1996
- Drug net draws closer around Bill Clinton - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Electronic Telegraph, September 22, 1996 [Other page]
- The seduction of Hillary Rodham's acidic biographer - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, October 1, 1996 [Whitewater page]
Previous months:
August/September 1996,
July 1996,
June 1996,
May 1996.
This page was last updated October 31, 1996 by Nick Chase (nick15@eve.assumption.edu).