What's New in the Whitewater Archives?
July 1996
The Archives have grown so large that it can be difficult to see when new material is added, so the "What's New" pages list the additions in reverse chronological order (since mid-May 1996). Note that "new" means new to the Archives, not necessarily newly-published. Some of the newly-added stuff may, in fact, be older stories that have been captured here just before they disappeared into that great Internet trash-bucket in the sky.
July 24, 1996
- Clinton says no deal made for Branscum - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 22, 1996 [pointer]
- Aldrich book gains 'unlimited access' - by Joyce Price, The Washington Times, July 22, 1996 [pointer]
- White House denies bid to block access to papers - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 24, 1995 [pointer]
- Papers show Foster feared IRS audit - by Jerry Seper and Gretchen Lacharite, The Washington Times, July 15, 1995 [pointer]
- Officer saw papers leave Foster's office - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 10, 1995 [pointer]
- Review of Foster death not finished - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 4, 1995 [pointer]
- Hubbell handed 21-month jail term - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 29, 1995 [pointer]
- Depositions begin with Park Police sergeant - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 20, 1995 [pointer]
- Forensics expert to review Foster facts - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 10, 1995
- Investigator likely to be hearings' key witness - by Jerry Seper and Major Garrett, The Washington Times, July 25, 1994 [pointer]
- Fiske ignores questions on Foster death - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 19, 1994 [pointer]
- Park Police officer gets himself a lawyer - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 15, 1994 [pointer]
- Fiske's focus turns to Foster office search - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 2, 1994 [pointer]
- Another setback for 'Arkansas mafia' - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 28, 1994 [pointer]
- Gonzalez rejects panel probe into death of Foster - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 21, 1994 [pointer]
- Probe eyes drug-profit laundering - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, June 9, 1994 [pointer]
July 22, 1996
July 19, 1996
July 17, 1996
July 16, 1996
July 13, 1996
July 12, 1996
- Is the White House Haunted? - Paul Weyrich commentary for January 21, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- FOR LESS THAN THIS COLSON WENT TO JAIL - Paul Weyrich commentary for June 23, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Let's put Vince Foster to Rest - by Paul Weyrich, October 31, 1995 [Foster page]
- Craig Livingstone, A Dirty Tricks Operative? - CBN "NewsWatch Today", July 3, 1996 [pointer]
- Chuck Colson on "Filegate" - CBN "NewsWatch Today", June 28, 1996 [pointer]
- Clinton Harassment Case Faces Delay - CBN "NewsWatch Today", June 25, 1996 [pointer]
- Bill and Hillary Clinton - The Character Issue - CBN "NewsWatch Today", June 24, 1996 [pointer]
- Release of the Whitewater Committee Report - CBN "NewsWatch Today", June 18, 1996 [pointer]
- The Increasing Pressures of Whitewater - CBN "NewsWatch Today", June 6, 1996 [pointer]
- The Travel Office incident - by John Crudele, July 12, 1996
July 9, 1996
- Throwing the book at Gary Aldrich (unsigned editorial) - The Washington Times, July 8, 1996 [pointer]
- Lindsey hit on fund disclosure - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 8, 1996 [pointer]
- Clinton studied checks, offered job, witness says - by Joseph Curl, The Washington Times, July 8, 1996 [pointer]
- Whitewater banker 'has more to tell' - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, July 9, 1996 [Whitewater page]
July 8, 1996
July 5, 1996
- Bill Clinton's Cocaine Habit - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet July 3, 1996 [Other page]
- Were FBI files for collecting dirt? - by John Crudele, July 5, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Another Whitewater Trial - by John Crudele, July 5, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Will Hillary be indicted? - by John Crudele, July 5, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Coming home to roost - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, July 4, 1996 [Whitewater page]
July 3, 1996
July 2, 1996
- Bill and Hillary Clinton - The Character Issue - CNN News, June 24, 1996 [pointer]
- Release of the Whitewater Committee Report - CNN News, June 18, 1996 [pointer]
- It's 1996, and we're all from Arkansas - by Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times, July 2, 1996 [pointer]
- The agent's tale (editorial) - The Washington Times, July 2, 1996 [pointer]
- New Clinton books add to furor (Undercover trysts described) - by Joseph Curl, The Washington Times, July 2, 1996 [pointer]
- Banker: Lindsey called the shots - by Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, July 2, 1996 [pointer]
- Troubles at home dog Mrs Clinton in Europe - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, July 2, 1996 [Whitewater, Foster and Other pages]
July 1, 1996
- The White House "Big Brother" Data Base & How Jackson Stephens Precipitated a Banking Crisis - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet June 30, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- Woodward's Wayward Book - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet June 28, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- An Apology and Good-bye {satire!} - by J. Orlin Grabbe, posted to the Internet June 26, 1996 [Foster page]
- Army aide Marceca a fraud specialist - by John Crudele, July 1, 1996 [Whitewater page]
- FBI agent tells of Clinton's 'secret trips to meet woman in hotel' - by Stephen Robinson, Electronic Telegraph, July 1, 1996 [Other page]
- FBI author 'tool in Right's plot to smear Clinton' - by Hugh Davies, Electronic Telegraph, July 1, 1996 [Other page]
Previous months:
June 1996,
May 1996.
This page was last updated July 24, 1996 by Nick Chase (nick15@eve.assumption.edu).