A transcript of President Clinton's videotaped testimony for the Tucker/McDougal trial in Little Rock, as shown on May 8, 1996
- Cross-Examination by the Prosecutor, Ray Jahn (concluded)

MR. JAHN: You indicated, sir, that you know R.D. Randolph?


MR. JAHN: OK. How long have you known R.D. Randolph?

MR. CLINTON: A long time. Maybe almost as long as Mr. McDougal. I think that Mr. Randolph worked with Mr. McDougal in Senator Fulbright's office in Little Rock back in the '60s. So, I've known him a long time.

MR. JAHN: OK. And known him both personally as well as through politics; is that correct, sir?

MR. CLINTON: Well, I know him personally, if that's - I mean, I know him by his first name, I've known him for many years.

MR. JAHN: And he was also -

MR. CLINTON: Knew his father, knew he was from Logan County, and they supported me up there. I knew him.

MR. JAHN: And then you also knew that he was very active in politics; did you not, sir?

MR. CLINTON: Yes, I do. Well, that's how I met him, through Senator Fulbright.

MR. JAHN: OK. And you were - and in fact, you were active in obtaining his employment with the state, were you not, sir?

MR. CLINTON: I believe that he got a job with the state at some time before I left the governor's office, and I think he asked me to support that. And we had someone in the governor's office that actually tried to help place people with state jobs, so I might well have done that.

MR. JAHN: Mr. President, if you would, sir, during the spring of 1986, sir, did you know, or did Jim McDougal talk to you about arranging a loan to benefit Larry Kuca and a firm called Campobello Realty?

MR. CLINTON: No, sir.

MR. JAHN: In the early part of 1986, did Mr. McDougal talk to you concerning arranging a loan for the benefit of Stephen Smith, your former employee, and his company, The Communication Company?

MR. CLINTON: No, sir.

MR. JAHN: Did he talk to you, sir, concerning arranging a loan to benefit Jim Guy Tucker in a firm called Castle Sewer and Water?


MR. JAHN: Did you have any conversations, sir, I believe it's already been covered, but I'll ask it again, concerning arranging a loan to benefit a firm called Master Marketing?

MR. CLINTON: No, sir.

MR. JAHN: And lastly, sir, did you ever have any conversations with Mr. Tucker concerning arranging a loan with David Hale to benefit a firm called Southloop Construction Company?

MR. CLINTON: No, I did not.

MR. JAHN: Sir, you indicated that you had - or that you recall that you did not have any conversations in depth, or any substantive conversations with Mr. McDougal during the year 1986. Do you remember that, sir?

MR. CLINTON: No, I remember saying that I didn't recall ever having any substantive conversations with David Hale.

MR. JAHN: I'm sorry, David Hale. I'm sorry.

MR. CLINTON: I testified that I did talk to Mr. McDougal in January of '86 for sure, and I stopped by to see him in June at his trailer on 145th Street.

MR. JAHN: OK. But as far as conversations with Mr. Hale, that you testified affirmatively that you did not have those; is that correct?

MR. CLINTON: I have no recollection of any kind of conversations with David Hale in 1986.

MR. JAHN: Isn't it a fact, sir, that in your interrogatories to the Resolution Trust Corporation you indicated that you could not remember any such conversations?

MR. CLINTON: That's correct, I don't remember having them.

MR. JAHN: OK. Does that preclude, then, sir, conversations which you no longer recall?

MR. CLINTON: Well, if you mean could David Hale have said, "Hello, Governor," when he was in the Capitol or something like that, I suppose that could have occurred. There were no substantive business-related conversations.

MR. JAHN: May I have a second, Your Honor?


MR. JAHN: Pass the witness, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Mr. Heuer?

MR. HEUER: Your Honor, can we have a five-minute break at this point in time?

THE COURT: Yes. We'll give you 10.

MR. HEUER: Thank you, Your Honor.

MR. CLINTON: Thank you, Your Honor.

MR. HEUER: May it please the Court.

THE COURT: All right, Mr. Heuer.

MR. HEUER: I have absolutely no questions on redirect, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Mr. Collins or Mr. Brown?

MR. BROWN: May it please the Court, on behalf of Governor Tucker, we have no further questions. Thank you, Mr. President.

THE COURT: Mr. McDaniel?

MR. McDANIEL: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. And on behalf of Susan McDougal, no further questions. Thank you, Mr. President.

THE COURT: All right. The Court would like to express its thanks to the attorneys, the president, and the excellent staff people you have who have worked with us diligently in setting up these facilities, and, listen, they have really impressed the staff, and they have an open - an open invitation to return to this facility whenever they are in the Arkansas area.

MR. CLINTON: Thank you, Your Honor.

THE COURT: That being the case, we will bring this to a close.

BACK: Cross-Examination by the Prosecutor, Ray Jahn (continued), with introduction of Exhibit 80