THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ______________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release January 9, 1997 PRESS BRIEFING BY MIKE MCCURRY The Briefing Room 2:53 P.M. EST....
Q Mike, this 300-page report that Fabiani and DNC put together -- what was the purpose of it? Why would the White House waste its time putting together this "media food chain" theory? MR. MCCURRY: It's not a waste of time. We were actually responding to requests. This is the document we gave, Wolf, CNN back in 1995, so you've had it for about over a year now. (Laughter.) About every news organization in this room, in fact, we've provided these materials because we wanted to refute some of the very aggressive charges being made fallaciously against the President, most often on the Internet coming from a variety of kind of crazy, right-wing sources. Now, what you're talking about is, in fact, a two-and-a-half page cover sheet attached to about 300-plus pages of information, most of them news clips written by news organizations represented in this room, and also that the DNC research staff prepared and passed out at press conferences that most of your news organizations attended. Q Let me see if I can clear something up. Does this purport to show a conspiracy on the part of the news media? MR. MCCURRY: No, absolutely not. It purports to show that the conspiracy theorists who are very active on the subject of Whitewater and other subjects very often plant their stories, plant their information in various places, and then we kind of give you a theory of how things get picked up and translated and moved through what we call "the media food chain," or what others have called "the media food chain." A good example of this: the Wall Street [Journal] editorial page carries a column that mentions this deep, dark secret 330-page report that then gets picked up by The Washington Times and written, and then gets asked here in the press briefing room. So, in other words, in this Fellini-like manner, what we are doing right now is proof positive of the kind of cycle that we're talking about. Q So you're employing the very tactics that you say the right-wing think-tanks employ to get stories in the mainstream media? MR. MCCURRY: You're suggesting that we planted this in the Wall Street Journal editorial page so we could draw some attention to the material that we're using to refute some of the fallacious charges. That's an interesting theory. I don't know that I buy that theory. Q Like what, what particularly? What are the fallacious charges? MR. MCCURRY: They talk about stuff about some of the work of a couple of so-called "media centers," a couple of wealthy philanthropists that subsidize the work of organizations that present themselves as news organizations -- they write stories, they get picked up elsewhere on the Internet. Sometimes they get picked up overseas, typically in London, typically by one particular reporter, that stuff then gets fed back into news organizations here. There's one news organization here in town that likes to -- they won't attach their own bylines and their own names of their own reporters to the stories they write, but they'll pick up stories, they'll put them in their pages here, and then that triggers additional inquiries. So what they did was, they basically took -- in response to inquiries we got -- we got a lot of inquiries back in the summer of '95 on the general subject of how does the Internet -- the arrival of the Internet and discussions on the Internet, how does that fuel the Whitewater story. And, in fact, we used to get a lot of inquiries in Mark Fabiani's shop from news organizations that heard this story that they really want to check out and want a White House response to. And we say, wait a minute, this is the same crazy rumor that's now chased itself all the way around in a circle, and let us show you how this circle works so you can understand the genesis of some of these stories. So this is an effort, I think, that dates back now almost July, August of 1995, an effort by Mark's shop to really help journalists understand that they shouldn't be used by those who are really concocting their own conspiracies and their own theories and then peddling them elsewhere. Q Mike, let me see if I understand. You believe this is an accurate portrayal of the way the media food chain works? Is that correct? You believe this is an accurate description -- MR. MCCURRY: I think it is accurate to say that there area lot of groups that fund -- groups that are positioned on the far right of the political spectrum that fund people who peddle conspiracy theories, and that those then sometimes show up in publications that represent themselves to be bonified sources of news; that those then get picked up on the Internet; people start recycling the material on the Internet; that sometimes we have instances -- and we've had several just recently of one particular reporter, one particular paper in London who writes things that are just not true; in fact, in one case just recently who had to be formally retracted -- that that then gets picked up and reprinted here in the United States and then becomes the basis of inquiries that some of you make here. So, in a sense, you get misled and misused by people who really start off as -- with the goal of actually planting information to do political damage to the President. Q With all due respect, I don't think I got an answer to my question, which is, do you believe this is an accurate portrayal of -- MR. MCCURRY: Do I believe what I just said is an accurate portrayal of how this works? Yes. Q No, no, do you believe this report prepared at taxpayer expense is an accurate portrayal of -- MR. MCCURRY: Whoa, whoa, this was not a report prepared at tax -- this was a two-and-a-half page cover memo that went on DNC clippings. Most of this -- if you take a look at it -- and again, I think most of your news organizations have had this material for sometime now, but it's basically a compilation of newspaper clippings that have appeared in the pages of many of the organizations represented here, other materials, other samples of materials that have existed on the Internet, plus materials that the DNC research staff prepared to refute some of the fallacious charges that have been made against the President. Now, what we did -- what the Counsel's Office did here was to just put a little two-and-a-half page summary on the top of this thing so you could see how it worked. Q Do you believe that summary is accurate? MR. MCCURRY: I believe that summary provides -- that's the material -- it supports the material -- it explains and describes the material that is attached to it, sure. It's a summary. I believe it's a summary of the material that is attached to it. Q Why wouldn't you respond -- you're saying this is in response to news media inquiries in the summer of '95 -- whose idea was it to respond in this fashion, to compile it like this? Was it Fabiani? Was it somebody else? MR. MCCURRY: Well, it was his shop that did this. He actually had one of his more junior staffers do this who was familiar with the Internet. What had happened at the time, we began to see a correlation between inquiries coming in from journalists and rumors that were being circulated on the Internet. And so the causal link, there was we'd better pay closer attention to stuff that's creeping out on to the Internet because it's beginning to seep into inquiries that are coming from legitimate news organizations. They hear something; they then ask what our response is. And then our concern was that the material was phony, that was showing up on the Internet was going to get recycled into stories that said White House denies x, and x was a rumor to begin with in some cases. And we document that in the material -- material that came from the far right. Your paper, in particular -- and we gave the Washington Post this back in July of '95. So you've had this same document now for some -- Q Is it the exact same document or just portions of the document? MR. MCCURRY: Yes -- no, the document. Q All 331 pages? MR. MCCURRY: Well, the 331 pages -- again, I'll tell you it's this two-and-a-half page cover sheet attached to clips. Now, much of it is clippings that came from some of the same news organizations that we provided it to. But to show by the coverage -- how the coverage of the Whitewater story itself unfolded and how that -- how various news sources manipulated things. Q And James Carville was the one who first spoke of this -- at least publicly -- of this media food chain a year earlier. MR. MCCURRY: Back in April of '94, right. Q So he came up with this theory by himself? Carville? MR. MCCURRY: He -- there are a lot of people who have talked about this, a lot of people who have written about it. In fact, there's now been a couple of scholars who have done papers on how this all works. There's a scholarly paper I read not too long ago that was done at some conference, as journalists look into how these things have been covered. Warren. Q You folks have always denied that there's a bunker mentality here, paranoia regarding Whitewater and these other issues. Isn't that exactly what this looks like -- here are our enemies who are out to get us? MR. MCCURRY: No. This doesn't say enemies, it says --it describes, Warren, pretty accurately how things were, of which, admittedly, your news organization plays a role. Q Well, how would you suggest a reporter find out about, or pursue a rumor or a report, even if it comes from the Internet, if not asking it here? MR. MCCURRY: Well, in this case they call the Counsel's Office; the Counsel's Office says, hey, wait a minute, before you legitimize this rumor by putting it in print in your paper, take a look at how this information circles, chases itself around in a circle; so let us show you how these things spill over and become stories before you write. And in many cases, I think it's fair to say we prevented erroneous information from being reported and we saved some journalists from not putting a lot of crazy stuff -- Q That's why the journalists ask. And if they get a denial here -- MR. MCCURRY: And that's -- and we help them understand it. I mean, the notion that it's a bunker mentality is -- basically, we're responding to inquiries we're getting with the information that refutes the charges and answers the charges that have been made. Q Mike, in a cover story this week, Newsweek suggests that the White House employed those tactics you describe, too, in the other direction, in its favor, to discourage reporters from covering what was a legitimate story -- the Paula Jones lawsuit. In this case, you had Carville go out with statements about trailer parks, then friendly reporters picked it up, then you sent reporters those statements. And their suggestion is that then they were steered away from stories that probably were legitimate. Do you think that's -- MR. MCCURRY: Quote, unquote "legitimacy" of that story will depend, of course, on what happens in a court of law. Q Well, it's before the Supreme Court tomorrow. I mean -- MR. MCCURRY: What happens in a court of law if and when the case goes to trial. Q But we normally cover cases that are heard before the Supreme Court. My question is, do you think that piece in Newsweek is accurate, that the White House used these tactics that you're describing in the other direction? MR. MCCURRY: I think that it's certainly true that the White House was aggressive in responding to false, fallacious, damaging and politically motivated attacks on the President. And we should be. We have a responsibility to the President to do that. Q Mike, was the only purpose of this document to advise news organizations, or was it provided to anyone else -- staffers? Was it provided to contributors? MR. MCCURRY: Look, the people who are most familiar with it and who used it to respond to journalists recall using it mostly with journalists. I don't know -- a lot of the material was material that originated from the DNC, and it was used at the DNC and no doubt given to people who were out in the public defending the President from some of the charges he faced. They were pretty aggressive about getting people out particularly on talk radio and others to respond to some of the charges that the President was using. I'm sure the material circulated in that fashion, too. But it was used here and, frankly, with the Counsel's Office, it was to put a little summary sheet on the front so, knowing how busy all of you are, we thought we ought to make it a little easier for you to understand the big batch of clips that were provided. Q Why didn't you provide it to everyone? Why wasn't it released as a White House document? MR. MCCURRY: It may very well have been. Q No, it wasn't. MR. MCCURRY: It may very well have been provided to people -- I mean, it was provided to people who were working on the Whitewater story. I don't have a full list of every news organization that got it. Q It was not made available to everyone who covered the White House on a daily basis. MR. MCCURRY: Well, it was used in response to inquiries. I mean, we didn't do a formal release of this. We were trying to help people who were asking about stories that they had heard or rumors that they were checking out, and that's basically what it was. I'm told that anyone who asked about this stuff, we put the material together and sent it over to them. So maybe if you didn't ask about it, you didn't get it, but frankly, we weren't worried that you were then going to take a poisonous report and repeat it.....
Q Mike, going back to Fabiani, is this the only time where we have had the taxpayer-funded Counsel's Office working with the DNC, and can you address the propriety of that? MR. MCCURRY: That is thoroughly appropriate for the White House Legal Counsel's Office to provide information in response to press inquiries, to use as the source of the information provided material that comes from whatever source it comes from. In this case, the bulk of the material comes from news reports, and that's thoroughly appropriate, and they've got a DNC clipping service that clips newspapers up there and they sent a batch of newspaper clips over to us, plus materials that they had used, and it's perfectly appropriate for the Legal Counsel's Office to use that in response to media inquiries. Q Is that a unique instance -- MR. MCCURRY: The -- quote, unquote -- "taxpayer expense" -- here was a younger guy in the Legal Counsel's Office who took the time to put a two-and-a-half page cover memo on the clips. So there wasn't a lot of taxpayer expense involved. But, yes, it is appropriate to do that. Q Did that package go to the President at the time? MR. MCCURRY: No, because the President doesn't have the time to read -- look, this is basically the information that refutes a lot of trash that was out in the semi-public domain about Whitewater, and the President doesn't waste his time getting mesmerized by that kind of information. Q Was he aware of that project? MR. MCCURRY: He was certainly aware that the Legal Counsel's Office was making sure that people -- that we steer people away from bad information. You know, he would expect us to do that, and he has certainly expected us to respond to media inquiries. Q He did not see the specific package? MR. MCCURRY: I have no idea. There were a lot of -- look, there was a lot of material -- you could go to a press conference that Chairman Don Fowler or someone would have in which this issue would get raised, and they would pass this stuff out. You could occasionally get it here when we wanted to save you folks time and say, we don't have time to go up to the Hill or, we can't get this stuff from the DNC, we sometimes hope you get it here through that office. That, I hope, has happened on numerous occasions over the past couple of years. Q Mike, but is there another instance you can think of where the Counsel's Office has worked on a project with the DNC which is obviously political -- MR. MCCURRY: They can work -- we're working on one right now in responding to the questions about financial contributions, because sometimes there are issues in which there is a DNC event, that there's White House participation and we have to make sure that -- Q That's a little bit different because that involves activities, whether things -- MR. MCCURRY: Well, it's in this case exactly the same thing. It's responding to press inquiries and how do you make sure that they're getting the answers to one part of a story that involves them and we're getting the answers to stuff that involves us. So they coordinate the effort to respond to press inquiries -- Q I don't think it is the same thing. You were using the DNC basically as a research tool in the instance of this report, and in the instance of the campaign finance stuff, they are intimately involved. MR. MCCURRY: Bill, the issue here is that we are responding -- the DNC is using its research capacity to respond to political attacks on the President. Now, it is more appropriate for the DNC research division, paid for by the party's political funding, to do that type of work to respond to political charges to the President than it would have been for the Legal Counsel's Office to do it. Now, the Legal Counsel has every right to have access to that information and to help use that in responding to press inquiries. Your suggestion by -- the implication of the question is somehow or other we should have used taxpayer resources to assemble the research material to be used. That would not have been proper. Q No, the implication of the question was that your previous answer was disingenuous when you compared the two things and said that they were essentially the same. MR. MCCURRY: I was trying to describe -- the question was, are there instances in which there is cooperation in something like this, and I said, yes, when you're responding to media inquiries. The DNC and the Legal Counsel's Office have been in contact. That's been happening regularly, and most of your news organizations have been pursuing the story know that. Q -- talk about the false and fallacious charges in regard to Paula Jones, does the President believe that the media should not be reporting about the Paula Jones story, or -- MR. MCCURRY: No. Look, the Constitution of the United States is called into question in one respect in regards to that case, and it's going to be argued in front of the United States Supreme Court, and coming pretty soon. That's obviously a news story, and it's going to be covered, and no one would suggest otherwise. That is a legitimate story, of course, because of the constitutional issues that are involved, that the Court has decided to hear. But what we're talking about is -- look, everyone in here knows there's a fair amount of nut-case material that floats around with respect to Whitewater, and some of it, unfortunately and tragically and very, very painfully, has to do with the death of a former White House staffer. And that stuff gets peddled, and sometimes -- in fact, in the summer of 1995, all too often was coming back at us from a lot of news organizations that, frankly, should have known better. So we would say, wait a minute, you guys are chasing a story that has very, very suspicious roots and let us document for you how this stuff gets out into the news flow, so that we can protect you and protect your readers and protect the American people from bad information. Q Mike, so to make sure that I understand -- the use of the term "conspiracy" -- MR. MCCURRY: Yes, these are conspiracy theorists. These are the conspiracy -- it's called in the document "the conspiracy commerce." These are the guys who are the conspiracy nuts who have been peddling this stuff for years and years. Q That refers to the initial -- the nut cases, to use your term, and not the process -- MR. MCCURRY: That's the reference -- have you read this little cover that I'm talking about? Q Yes. And not the process by -- MR. MCCURRY: That's what it is. Q -- which it reaches the bulk of the American public. MR. MCCURRY: The process by which -- that's called really more kind of the -- what did he call it "the food chain," It's called more "the media food chain" than that. Q I just want to make sure that the food chain itself is not a part of a conspiracy in the belief of the White House. (Laughter.) MR. MCCURRY: No, but there are plenty of examples of how this stuff gets fed back in to news organization and then sort of gets picked up. Look, you all have written about this, and this has been written about over and over again. You can pick up every other issue of The Columbia Journalism Review and see exactly the same subject covered. I just read a pretty interesting academic paper on this that's been done by a scholar. You know, this is part of it. Warren, equal time for The Washington Times. Q Thank you. About six months ago, Hazel O'Leary spent a bunch of taxpayers' money to rate how reporters covered her department, whether they were favorable or unfavorable. At the time, you were quite clear in saying that was inappropriate use. Can you explain to me what the difference is between that and this? MR. MCCURRY: The difference here is we're trying to protect reporters, not rate them. We're trying to protect people from getting a bunch of bad stories in their papers. Q Does that include The New York Post, The Washington Times and The Wall Street Journal? MR. MCCURRY: Look, the New York Post and The Washington Times are specifically identified as two news organizations that pick up some of these erroneous reports, very often coming from London, and reprint them without having the courage of putting their own bylines on them. And I believe -- certainly it has happened in the case of The Washington Times. Q -- my paper has broken a lot of stories, important stories, on all these subjects we're talking about, Mike. MR. MCCURRY: Right. But you've also -- that was a story that you had to retract because it was then retracted by the paper in question. Q I wonder if I could read you something by Steve Hess, who I think we all agree is a respected presidential scholar and not a nut case. He said that this thing is the sort of stuff the Christic Society used to put out, that if Ronald Reagan had talked about a liberal media conspiracy like this it would have been laughed at on the front pages of major news -- let me just finish. MR. MCCURRY: Deborah, I read this quote. Q -- of paranoia, if not dementia in the White House. MR. MCCURRY: I read his quote. You send him my transcript from this briefing and ask him if he wants to revise and amend those remarks. And just ask him. And then if he stands by the remarks at that point call me back and I'll answer you.....
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ______________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release January 10, 1997 PRESS BRIEFING BY MIKE MCCURRY The Briefing Room 1:45 P.M. EST....
Q Mike, I'd like to ask a question about the food chain. MR. MCCURRY: The food chain. Q You made the case -- MR. MCCURRY: You guys went to town. You had a lot of fun with that story. (Laughter.) Q We love this story. And you presented what you thought was evidence that a conspiracy does exist, and you also said that the President was fully aware of what was going on. The President is asked about it today, and he says no. MR. MCCURRY: No, not about -- Q He was asked, is there a right-wing cabal in the press. MR. MCCURRY: In fact, I think to the contrary. When I went through this yesterday, I said he was not -- he didn't follow all this, the production of this document or anything like that. The question was -- and nobody has suggested there was some media conspiracy. We said that there were a group of people who have got their own conspiracy theories who traffic in this stuff. That's all that says. It's not a conspiracy by the media and we didn't suggest it and the President doesn't believe that, as he told you today. Q But presumably, conservative newspapers, outfits, are part of this food chain. MR. MCCURRY: No, I don't think we said -- we said that they are part of -- they become part of the commerce in this stuff and become, maybe unwittingly, and seeing some of the comments of people in the papers today, certainly in a discombobulated fashion, as some of them say, that they might unwittingly become prone to pick up some of these remarks. We're not saying that that -- they're not in conspiracy with the people who are producing these things, although in some cases we see -- you can see a direct transfer of the information over. Q So the President believes there is a conspiracy; he doesn't believe -- MR. MCCURRY: No, you asked him a question; you said no. He doesn't think the press is involved in some big conspiracy. He thinks that some of this material shows up in the way we described it yesterday.....
Q Mike, going back to Paul's question about the feeding chain, you said it's not a conspiracy by the media. Who is it a conspiracy by? MR. MCCURRY: We did that at such great length yesterday, I don't think we need to go back to it now. Q I don't think I came out with a clear answer, though, Mike. If it's not a conspiracy of the media, who is it? MR. MCCURRY: Go back and take a look at yesterday's transcript. I think we did that subject at great length yesterday.....