Dr. Fick is a psychologist who specializes in dysfunctional families. He has observed President Clinton at a distance and knows of his family background.
Duffy: Paul, let's start off by setting the record perfectly straight... you have never interviewed Bill Clinton, you have never met him personally?
Dr. Fick: That is correct. If, in fact, I had I would have been very hesitant to write the book because there would have been CONFIDENTIALITY restrictions that would have limited me.
Duffy: Isn't it kind of odd to do a personality profile and have never met them?
To my understanding this is the only book that has ever been written about a U.S. President that is a personality assessment, and, in fact, states that Bill Clinton's personality difficulties hamper his capacity to function effectively as an administrator.
Duffy: You traveled to Little Rock and interviewed about sixty people who were close to Bill Clinton. Some from both sides?
Dr. Fick: That's absolutely correct. I spoke to very dear friends of Bill Clinton's. That was my objective. To speak to people who had a clear perception of his personality.
I also did two and one-half years of biographical research for the book. I spoke with fellow professionals to get second intursory opinions as well.
Duffy: Interesting that most of his supporters, when you approached them about writing this book, their first question was, "Are you authorized by the White House? Why do you think that was so important to Clinton supporters?
Dr. Fick: Some of the people who asked me that question... I decided to by-pass those particular interviews, because... actually I was asked if it was White House APPROVED, and I didn't think that I needed a seal of approval to write a book. Secondly, I was in a situation where many of Bill Clinton's friends were initially hesitant because they said that they had provided information to other writers and did not like the way it was represented in the writing. I assured them... I tape-recorded the conversations and I assured them that any quotes that were used would be utilized verbatim and that those individuals who were supportive of Bill Clinton, it would be specified that that was true.
Duffy: Let's get down to some of the problems that most of us have observed in Bill Clinton during the 3-1/2 years of his presidency... Problems with the truth - he says one thing, he changes his mind - he's late, which is driving his staff crazy, they tell me in Washington. Are these the symptoms that you observed and made you say, 'Wait a minute here! These are all indicative of a psychological profile, a pattern, here.'
Dr. Fick: That's correct. The first time or two that I saw Bill Clinton on TV during the 1992 campaign, it was readily apparent to me what was wrong with Bill Clinton. And that is one thing that has baffled me... why this has not been a discussion that was been formulated even during the campaign. You'll recall the questions regarding 'character' issues that were raised by the Bush campaign, but it was never specified exactly WHAT the source of those problems was.
You have an individual who, it is very well documented in my book alone I believe there are 26 pages of statements that Bill Clinton has made that are PROVEN not to be true. BLATANT LIES! I mean, we are talking about an individual who is protecting his hide for political purposes. We are talking about an individual who functions in this capacity, not only in his professional life, but on a DAILY basis in his personal life, according to very close friends.
We're talking about an individual who - it has been very well documented in terms of his INDECISIVENESS - the CHAOS that's created by Bill Clinton. The constant approval seeking. He's an INSOMNIAC, he's an OVEREATER, he is a COMPULSIVE SEXUAL ADDICT.
What we have here is a picture of an individual who is SO characteristic of an adult child of an alcoholic, who has not resolved his complications. This is well known, this particular type of psychological issue. We're talking about behavioral problems. We are NOT talking about a personality disorder. That is one of the main reasons why I believe that it is acceptable to write this book despite the fact that I am a licensed professional. I guess it is even more important that it IS written by a professional because it adds to the strength of the information.
Duffy: For those who are not familiar with Bill Clinton's family, tell a bit about the alcoholism that was part of Bill's growing up years.
Dr. Fick: Bill Clinton grew up in a home in which his biological father died three months prior to Bill Clinton's birth. When he was 4 years old his mother married Roger Clinton, Sr. and this was to be the major turning point in Bill Clinton's life and the problems that we subsequently see in the Bill Clinton presidency. Roger Clinton, Sr. was a VIOLENT alcoholic who frequently beat Bill Clinton's mother. She stated that Bill Clinton, himself, was severely emotionally abused by Roger Clinton, Sr. There were frequent alcoholic outburst, there were frequent separations, Bill Clinton's mother characterized Roger Clinton, Sr.'s absence from the home during his various binges as a circumstance where there was relief. Imagine the message being transmitted to your child when it is a relief when you father is gone.
Things were so violent in this home that on one occasion, Bill Clinton's stepfather shot a gun, in Bill Clinton's presence, at Virginia Kelly, narrowly missing her head.
When Bill Clinton was fourteen years old, his mother separated from Roger Clinton, Sr. - one year later they remarried over Bill Clinton's objections. Roger Clinton had made the promise that he would discontinue drinking. But the promise was not held by him.
And interestingly, Duffy, one of the things we saw when there was the remarriage... after Bill Clinton had attempted to stand in the way of that; he then CHANGED his name from BLYTHE to CLINTON. That is a clear, in the initial example of this individual, Bill Clinton, who is our current President, ACQUIESCING/APPROVAL SEEKING, DESPITE the true feelings that he was having inside of him.
Duffy: We're just laying GROUNDWORK, ladies and gentlemen, so don't go away. We've got some BOMB SHELLS to unveil before we leave the air....
Duffy: Paul, we all remember the picture of Bill Clinton meeting his boyhood idol, John F. Kennedy, in the Rose Garden at the White House and shaking his hand. How does that fit into all of this? I mean, he had to be an overachiever.
Dr. Fick: That is an excellent point you make regarding overachievement. Because that is a key related to understanding to Bill Clinton... Children that grow up in these homes display symptoms from a moderate to severe form as adults. They also take on various roles. Bill Clinton, himself, assumed what is commonly referred to as the HERO ROLE. And the hero is the child, who on the one hand presents to the community, school, and in his neighborhood, of, in the essence... the perfect child. He's the overachiever, the one who goes above and beyond what one would think would be almost humanly possible.
The reason for that is that there is a presentation to the outside community that everything is A-OK inside the Clinton home. I mean obviously, how could there be a problem there if the child is so wonderful? The difficulty is, is that the child that assumes that role does not have an outlet for the resentment that he experiences. For the chaos, for the sadness that takes place, and what happens is that that child continues on this path of overachievement into his adult years, while carrying everything along with him, RESENTMENT, that not only is from his childhood but is built up along the way. That resentment ends up in situations in which the individual SETS HIMSELF UP for major complications and for falls because of the resentment that he HAS to OVERACHIEVE.
Duffy: Because this is a Christian talk show, Paul, we see Bill carrying his Bible faithfully to church every week, then he takes these very liberal positions on abortion, on homosexuality.. I mean if he's trying to impress everybody with his Christian faith, he's alienated the Christian community in America. Does that fit into this overall pattern? Is there any parallel here?
Dr. Fick: Well the parallel that exists is that when children are from these circumstances and don't get their life squared away, they don't formulate, inside, a sense of true value/true beliefs. Can you imagine for a moment walking into a home as a child; you don't know what's going to take place. You don't know if Dad is going to be seemingly OK; meaning not drunk and not violent. You don't know whether he's going to be drunk; you don't know whether he's going to be violent or any of the above. So what ends up happening is that you're constantly having to react to other people. You're reactive to the environment. When that takes place, the child does not have the freedom to develop his own thoughts; his own beliefs and his own values. He merely REACTS to people.
So Bill Clinton, in essence, carries with him what's known as the IMPOSTER syndrome. Where there isn't this value development that takes place, so he presents to people what he BELIEVES what they want to experience of him, rather than what he's truly about.
Duffy: So on the one hand he's presenting this face that he's the Christian and on the other hand to the Liberal community he's the pro-abortion, the pro-homosexual. Is that what you're saying?
Dr. Fick: Right. Well, I certainly don't want to be in a position of characterizing Bill Clinton as a Christian or not a Christian because I can't see into his heart. But I will say that the presentation that Bill Clinton is WILLING to present to various groups is what he believes that WANT - to be seen.
Duffy: What about the WOMEN? We had the Gennifer Flowers affair and Sally Perdue, I mean there was a string of them that came to light during the campaign. What is that side of the Bill Clinton personality reflect?
Dr. Fick: Well, Duffy, that string is actually very LONG, unfortunately. What it presents is an individual who does not have a random sexual affair, regardless of the moral impropriety of having an affair. What we have is an individual who is COMPULSIVELY SEXUAL in nature. I wrote in my book that is not a difference between Bill Clinton and his stepfather, in that his stepfather abused alcohol and Bill Clinton abuses women, via sexual contact.
Duffy: Why in the world, knowing Hillary, as this intelligent, driven person... why does she stick with a guy who's been running around on her? Who's never been faithful? Why?
Dr. Fick: I think there's a two-fold answer to that. Hillary, herself, has obviously received a position of power. But even that would be a high price to pay for this type of circumstance. What we see is that Hillary is not all that different than women that find themselves in a relationships such as this, where they are willing to tolerate a great deal. Originally, there is this sense where the person in Hillary's role is going to be the one who enters into this person's life and straightens him out, or her out, depending upon the situation. Hillary is more controlling than Bill Clinton is. In essence Bill Clinton is out of control, needing to be controlled. Hillary attempts to take on that role.
I think at this point that things are so out of control within their relationship that she's, in essence, given up....
Duffy: We could spend the entire rest of the hour talking about the relationship between them, but I want to skip on to CHAPTER 16 of your book. This is the chapter that I found most interesting... this is the chapter on BERT DICKEY. Could you fill us in on a little background, Paul?
Dr. Fick: You use the word SHOCKING... I agree with you. I think back to June 18, 1994 when I taped this interview for the first time and met Mr. Dickey, I was BOWLED OVER myself. Mr. Dickey has served on the Arkansas Democratic Party State committee, the Executive Committee, the Finance Counsel there. He was an alternate delegate to the Democratic convention in 1980, a delegate to the Democratic conference in 1982. He held campaign fund raisers for Governor in his home. He had significant contact with Governor Clinton from the late 1970s to his election as President. And he also has a DOCTORATE in Education from the University of Tennessee. We are talking about a very CREDIBLE individual.
Duffy: In addition to being a political operative, was he also a political DONOR?
Dr. Fick: He certainly was a donor, and there's an interesting story that goes along with that, because it WASN'T your typical donations that were made. On the one hand, certainly Mr. Dickey did make legitimate campaign contributions, but he also had made some, according to what he told me, that exceeded the bounds of legal campaign contributions. It's a fairly involved story, but it is simple when we get down to specifics of how the money was brought in to various individuals. So, let me back up a little, in terms of HOW Bert Dickey RECEIVED the money. This is all according to Bert Dickey who was on the scene & definitely purports this to be true... Governor Clinton, himself, would SELL STATE COMMISSION POSTS in the State of Arkansas.
Duffy: He would SELL them?
Dr. Fick: Yes, the way that this would take place would be, for example, if you wanted to be on the HIGHWAY Commission you would make this known to Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton would SET the PRICE for the commission post you wanted, you would either come up with the cash, and hopefully would get the post. Often times Bill Clinton would promise the commission to more individuals than he had slots available, but basically he would set the price - Highway Commission, the going rate was $50,000 - if you came up with the $50,000 you got the appointment.
The question then was WHAT TO DO WITH THE CASH? Here we have, for the first time, an ALLEGATION of Bill Clinton personally ACCEPTING cash by ILLEGAL means. The second thing that happened was - there were large sums of money that needed to be distributed and LAUNDERED. Bill Clinton allegedly, according to Mr. Dickey as well, knew exactly what took place with those funds. Basically there were TWO individuals that RECEIVED the cash, they transferred the money to various friends of Bill. One of those, of course, was Mr. Dickey.
Mr. Dickey related a story to me of one occasion in which he had been asked to write VERY LARGE campaign contributions. At this time he was beginning to sour on Bill Clinton and he declined. However, he was then asked if he would write two campaign contributions for $100.00...one on his behalf and one on behalf of his wife. He said that he'd be willing to do that. These two individuals that had been given money by Bill Clinton told him to hold off for a moment and they would be right over. A lot of people live in the same complex. A few moments later they came over and they gave him twenty-eight (28) $100 bills and asked him to write two (2) $1,500 checks to the campaign. So, in essence, they gave Dickey $2,800 and Bert wrote $3,000 worth of checks contributing only $200 dollars of his own money.
Bert then asked, 'Well, what do I do if the IRS questions me about this?' and he was instructed by these individuals, 'just to lie to the IRS and tell them that he had sold farm equipment for cash.' Now, what's fascinating about that end of it is.. this information has been passed on now to the INDEPENDENT COUNSEL's OFFICE and the FBI. The FBI is taking this info VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY, in fact, Bert Dickey and I were IN their office in Little Rock, and they have COPIES of these checks, but there's MORE to this story than meets the eye.
Duffy: We'll get into this in a moment. This is news that the mainstream MEDIA is NOT reporting. We have been on this since I came on the air as your host on LIVE ACROSS AMERICA. Here is a psychologist who wrote a book analyzing the personality of BC and all of a sudden he winds up being part of the Special Prosecutors investigation; being called by the FBI.... Duffy: We're only able to hit the high spots right now, but you can read it [the book] cover to cover. It's fascinating reading. It's essentially a book that was released a few years ago.
Before we get back to talking about Bert Dickey... are you a Christian, Paul?
P: Yes I am.
D: The Eighth Commandment is very important to you - you shouldn't lie, bear false witness against... you know all of that part of the scripture. What motivates you to get into this in such detail?
P: Well, when I wrote the book I kept it in a fairly skeleton form because I was under the assumption that what would happen would be that REPORTERS would fall all over themselves trying to get to the BOTTOM of this story. I found that that is a very, very difficult to do because the White House, ITSELF, directly intervenes in the PUBLICATION of those stories. That has happened on several occasions related to THIS INFORMATION.
Two months ago I received a contact from the office of the Independent Counsel in Washington D.C. requesting that I provide them with this information. Of course, I complied. Immediately following their receipt of this information I was contacted by FBI agents in Little Rock, Arkansas who were assigned to THIS area (the sale of commissions) of the investigation by the Independent Counsel's office. They requested that I provide them with all the info that I had and they also requested MEETINGS with Mr. Dickey, which have taken place.
So basically what we have is a circumstance where this info is ESSENTIAL - that the AMERICAN people KNOW IT... Duffy, you are courageous enough to provide the forum for it and as long as this info is 100% factual, and I'm certain that it is... I'M GOING TO SAY IT.
Duffy: Well, you can send me a card in a couple of months wishing me a very happy AUDIT. I would imagine that that is where this is.... but getting back to the story. We have people who are saying that they walked into Bill Clinton's office, handed him money and they were expecting on the other side to get appointed to the Highways Commission or the Fish & Game Commission and these various commissions in Arkansas. What happened to the money?
Dr. Fick: A portion of the money was distributed to friends of Bill, and false campaign checks were written back into the campaign such as what Mr. Dickey had stated is what he'd done. Massive amounts of money had been collected. Mr. Dickey, himself, was personally responsible for distributing large amounts of money... sometimes up to a QUARTER of a MILLION dollars per campaign cycle in 'walking around money' for MINORITY VOTE BUYING in Eastern Arkansas.
Duffy: You can do some SERIOUS walking around with a quarter of a million dollars! I would say.
Folks, we're focusing in on Chapter 16 of Dr. Paul Fick's book. It's fascinating. We've certainly opened up a whole can of worms here....
Duffy: We heard the stories that Bill Clinton would go into churches; and that he would appear, and then after the church service are you saying that he would take cash money and spread it around to vote?
Dr. Fick: Well, that is one of the ways it was done... the other way was that Mr. Dickey, himself, would contact ministers of various churches, undertakers, drivers in the area who assisted people to getting to the vote. What would happen is that they would collect the money. Those individuals would actually keep the money and they would assure the votes of their parishioners or contacts that they had in Arkansas.
Now, a fascinating aspect of that is, it wasn't enough to illegally distribute money that had been illegally obtained... but there also had to be an assurance that those votes would come to fruition. What happened was... these people would be given PALM CARDS. A palm card is a small card that fits in the palm of the hand and it lists every individual within each district that Bill Clinton wanted elected. So his name, obviously, is at the top and everyone from the top job on down to dog-catcher that Bill Clinton wanted elected, was on this list. People would take this list into the voting booth and vote according to who was on the list. Now some of the people were illiterate in that area. I don't know if that was due to the fact that Hillary was in charge of the EDUCATION department in Arkansas, or not... but there's a large percentage of individuals in that particular area that are illiterate [laughter] and of course THOSE VOTES couldn't be lost.
Those people were given STRINGS with KNOTS tied in them and they would stick the strings into their pockets, take them into the voting booth, line the string up with the ballot, and everywhere where there was a knot, they would mark the ballot.
Duffy: I mean, what we're talking about here is an incredible conspiracy... and the FBI knows all about this?
Dr. Fick: Now they do! As of the middle of January Bert Dickey and I were in the IC's office in Arkansas, providing this information.
And I'll tell you... you talk about SHOCKING, Duffy, it not only included the information on the names that WE HAD, but there was a SUBSTANTIAL number of ADDITIONAL names that the FBI inquired about.
Duffy: So the FBI is knowledgeable about all of this and they've pursued it even beyond the info that you've given them?
Dr. Fick: Yes, there was already an investigation underway and my assumption was that they were quite pleased to have this ADDITIONAL info. I think that what we saw recently was the initial step in this type of investigation coming to fruition. There were two individuals that come to mind... HERBY BRANSCUM & ROB HILL...
Duffy: Are both bankers.
Dr. Fick: That's correct. They also are both individuals who received APPOINTMENTS from BC. Herby Branscum had been appointed to the HIGHWAY COMMISSION and Rob Hill served on the BANKING COMMISSION in Arkansas.
Duffy: What's the connection? Let's look at it this way... Paul, this is as old as politics, isn't it? I mean you make a contribution, and later on when I'm elected to office, I'm going to appoint you. That goes on in State capitals and in Washington, doesn't it?
Dr. Fick: I think the difference is.. for individuals that are making a contribution and are receiving a political favor, and perhaps that's even a wide-ranging term, because it could just be people that have like minds who are in support of the candidate. That's one thing...
What we're talking about here are SALES by the Governor of Arkansas for these commissions. You will not find, for example, $50,000 of the campaign contribution in accordance with the resulting Highway commission. It was not done. It was BEHIND THE SCENES.
Duffy: That, friends, is SERIOUSLY AGAINST THE LAW....
Duffy: We were touching on two names... the bankers from Arkansas - Branscum and Hill - who are in a peck of trouble right now, aren't they Paul?
Dr. Fick: Yes, they have been indicted and the indictments DIDN'T specify the purchase of the Highway or Banking commissions. I will say that when I had my initial contact with the FBI, they were very interested in information in that vein related to these two gentlemen. And there certainly has been a lot of talk regarding Herby Branscum's appointment to the Highway Commission as it followed on the heels of some apparent contributions.
Duffy: We have so many incredible stories that you have shared with me off the air, but one of them had to be the scene that you described in Bill Clinton's office. In the Governor of the State of Arkansas... and was Bert Dickey there when all this happened?
Dr. Fick: It WAS WITNESSED by Bert Dickey. Someone had been given the promise by the Governor that if he paid Bill Clinton $40,000 in cash that he would receive a particular appointment. However, the gentleman arrived for the stated appointment to give the Governor the $40,000 and he only had $20,000 in cash, promising to pay an additional $20,000 in several weeks. Bill Clinton became INFURIATED, as he often does actually, GRABBED the $20,000, and the two of them actually had a TUG-OF-WAR with $20,000 between the two of them! Bill Clinton, allegedly RIPPED the money out of this individuals hand, put the $20,000 in his pocket - in an IRATE fashion told him, 'I'm keeping the $20,000 and you are NOT going to get the appointment!' And in fact, what ended up happening, was that individual supposedly was given a lesser appointment.
Duffy: You looked Bert Dickey right square in the eyes... do you believe this guy?
Dr. Fick: I have met with Bert Dickey on a number of occasions subsequently to that. I am confident that it is true. Investigators from various newspapers have sorted through this info. They not only have VERIFIED THE TRUTH, they have had White House individuals CONFIRM that it is true and they also have come up with additional names beyond those that I know.
Duffy: Some people say that Bert Dickey was one of they guys that was promised one of these appointments and he didn't get it and he's just disgruntled... making up a bunch of stories.
Dr. Fick: Well, I think he is very disgruntled with Bill Clinton, per se, but that doesn't mean that what he's saying is not true. I think that there's AMPLE EVIDENCE that indicates that it is.
Duffy: Make note of those two names - Branscum and Hill - there's every reason to believe that when they come to trial that they too are going to be asking that the President of the United States come testify in their trial. I mean, this is getting repetitive... it's almost getting ridiculous! My guest this evening, Dr. Paul Fick. He wrote the book The Dysfunctional President; Inside the Mind of Bill Clinton....