Gary Aldrich's Appeal for Help (excerpts)
- posted to the Internet November 25, 1996
Dear Friend,
I wish I could shake your hand and look you in the eye at this moment
because I need to ask for your help! I put all I own on the line to
expose the criminal behavior and discredited security procedures in
the Clinton White House.
Now, my wife, Nina, and I and our three young children could lose
everything. That's right, everything. I can' t believe the horror
story I've been living .
The Clinton White House did everything possible to try to keep my book,
"Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House," from
being published. Even now, the Clinton Administration lawyers are
threatening to tie up all my assets and keep me in court for six years or
more. Because I told the truth and exposed their deceptions!
I have spent nearly $100,000 in legal fees fighting lawyers from the FBI,
Justice Dept and White House. I exhausted my life savings and I then
I was forced to spend all of the proceeds advanced toward my book.
Let me tell you how I became involved in this terrible situation.
For the last five years of my career as an FBI agent, I was assigned to
the White House to perform background checks on the White House staff.
I could never have imagined what I witnessed in the White House of Bill
and Hillary Clinton. In fact, I took early retirement from the FBI in
June of 1995 to write about what I saw and experienced.
"Unlimited Access" is a first hand account of my work as part of the FBI
unit that was responsible for White House personnel security
investigations. My book details the how the Clintons and their staff
abused the established security system, the federal laws and common
** How career White House employees were summarily dismissed to
make room on the payroll for political cronies.
** How recent drug use by White House staff was covered-up and
considered inconsequential.
** How gay and lesbian sex among staff was openly practiced in the
White House.
** How widespread access to classified materials by personnel
without proper security clearance was commonplace.
** And even how the Clinton White House Christmas tree was
decorated with condoms, pornographic ornaments and sex toys.
It's no wonder that the Clinton White House didn't want these true
representations of day-to-day occurrences inside the Executive Offices
to become public.
The FBI and Janet Reno's Justice Department threw every phony legal
barrier possible in front of me trying to prevent me from publishing
"Unlimited Access".
The General Counsel of the FBI has even admitted that he improperly,
if not illegally, gave an advance copy of my book to the White House.
The government lawyers knew I didn't have their unlimited financial
resources. They thought if I was faced with large and continuing legal
bills I would have to quit the pursuit of publishing my book.
Now, the Justice Dept. is deciding whether to try to prosecute me and
confiscate the proceeds of my book.
If this happens I could lose everything because I counted on these
proceeds to help with our retirement, provide a college fund for our
children and pay the huge legal fees I've been forced to incur.
Attorney General Janet Reno is going to decide whether to accept the
FBI's recommendation to prosecute me.
The Clintons and the rest of their administration have launched a
political vendetta against me because I told the truth about what was
going on in their White House. And, they have the immense power of
the Federal government on their side.
Quite frankly, except for the legal assistance I have received from the
Southeastern Legal Foundation, I would be at the mercy of the
government lawyers. The legal assistance of the SLF has been a godsend.
Believe me, there is no way I can afford to fight the legions of taxpayer-
financed attorneys the government has at its disposal.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Gary Aldrich