Reproduced with permission of The Progressive Review, 1739 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009, 202-232-5544, Fax: 202-234-6222. Editor: Sam Smith,

The Contra-Crack Connection
An analysis by FAIR of media coverage of the story
December 19, 1996

A national media watch group has released a report highly critical of major media reaction to the San Jose Mercury News series linking the CIA-backed Nicaraguan contras to the spread of crack cocaine in urban America. The report, to be published next month by FAIR (Fairness &Accuracy In Reporting), focuses on three newspapers -- the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times -- which have printed lengthy articles attacking the Mercury News series.

Noting that the assessments by those three newspapers are "still reverberating in the national media's echo chamber," FAIR's report faults the papers for heavy reliance on official sources inside the CIA and other agencies with vested interests in undercutting the Mercury News accounts. FAIR's report also highlights a history of national media suppression and marginalization of the contra-cocaine story in the 1980s.

To find out about getting the full report -- "Snow Job:The Establishment's Papers Do Damage Control for the CIA," written by FAIR associate Norman Solomon, call 212-633-6700.