Just about every city of any size has at least one place which is considered haunted. There are always legends of such houses suggesting that mysterious, unexplained things happen there.
Well, my candidate for such a place in our nation's capitol is the White House. Strange and unexplained things happen there every couple of decades. First it was the missing 18 and a half minutes of tape that Rosemary Woods, President Nixon's personal secretary, discovered on one of the important Watergate tapes she was transcribing.
Now an important personal aide to the Clintons, Carolyn Huber, has testified that missing billing records from the Rose Law Firm suddenly appeared in a room which only the Clintons and their close friends use in the residence. Add to this reports of Abraham Lincoln's ghost roaming the White House late at night, and you have the makings of a good horror movie.
Mrs. Huber is the former office manager at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock where Hillary Clinton worked before she became First Lady. Yesterday she testified before the special Whitewater Committee that she had no idea how the records got where she found them. She also testified that she had no idea who put them there. Poof. There they were. No explanation.
It is just remarkable what happens at the White House. First the late Vince Foster's briefcase has nothing inside. Then four days later, poof again, there is a torn up note right there in Foster's briefcase. Some say the note was forged. But what the heck? Not all of these horror movies are sound on the details.
I don't know about the Clintons, but I,
personally, would be worried about a place like theirs. Who knows
what will pop up next? Maybe someone will suddenly find Bill Clinton's
little black book with Paula Jones' phone number on page 13.
Who needs Oliver Stone? This real life stuff is far more interesting.
I think this is a job for the Ghostbusters. I can see their old
Cadillac screeching up the White House driveway now. As the plot
thickens, we can't help but wonder if the old reunited spirit
exterminators can ever put to rest Vince Foster's untimely ghost.
Stay tuned. I'm sure there will be a surprise ending.