Excerpts from an Internet post by Hugh Sprunt, December 4,1995

Patrick Knowlton, the Foster witness who has been severely harassed since October 26, 1995, the day he received his subpoena to testify before Ken Starr's DC Federal Grand Jury, called me tonight, and we went over a number of matters.... this.... was my first long talk with Mr. Knowlton. What I heard from him and the manner in which he spoke of what had happened to him impressed me. I was very favorably inclined toward him prior to this call and hearing what he had to say directly from him only increased my admiration. As far as I am concerned, he is a guy who tried to do the right thing and now, to his shock and great detriment, finds himself "at the point of the lance."

Mr. Knowlton deserves something for being willing to come forward and tell what he saw in Fort Marcy parking lot at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, July 20, 1993, some 80 minutes before Vince Foster's body was found at Fort Marcy, in the face of a multi-day harassment campaign mounted on the streets of Washington D.C. by some 26 individuals.

People have entered his building illegally and harassed him there as well. This is the man whose story Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Washington Bureau Chief of the London Sunday Telegraph, first reported on October 22, 1995, and who has been the subject of a number of follow-up articles by Ambrose and by Reporter Chris Ruddy, among others.

Ambrose and Chris have also personally witnessed these intimidation efforts (as has Mr. Knowlton's girlfriend). All four carefully have carefully documented the details of this harassment (who, what, where, when, etc.) over several days.

I received a copy of [the "Witness Tampering Report" written by Mr. Knowlton's attorney] last week and it is both quite detailed and quite shocking. The federal government's response to these harassment efforts has not been encouraging. I am depressed (and quite angry) that this sort of thing has happened at all and particularly so that it happened within a few blocks of the White House. Mr. Knowlton is shocked that this could happen to him simply because he called the Park Police a couple of days after Foster's death to say what he had seen at Fort Marcy. He thought he was being a good citizen (ironically, he supported the Clinton-Gore ticket in 1992).

Mr. Knowlton confirmed to me what I had been told by Ambrose and Chris: that he was subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury on November 1, the day he was scheduled to leave on a business trip out of the US (and for which he had bought a restricted air ticket). He has lost all the money he had to lay out in advance for this trip since he could not go on it. This was a significant economic "hit" for him to absorb.

Although I did not raise this point with him, since it appears (based on information the government prosecutors had at the grand jury proceedings) that his phone has been tapped for some time, in my opinion, it was no accident that the day the government selected for him to appear before the grand jury was the day he was scheduled to depart. I see this as one more example of the pressure that has been brought to bear on him.

Furthermore, the demands on his time and the general stress caused by being harassed have taken a toll on his regular business pursuits. In short, this man is taking a major economic hit as a direct consequence of coming forward to tell what he saw at the Fort Marcy parking lot the day Foster died.

As I have indicated in other posts, the efforts to intimidate him began the night before his second FBI interview. The purpose of the second interview (I have them both) apparently was merely to cause Mr. Knowlton to change his prior statements to the FBI, something he refused to do.