"She did not tell the FBI about concerns that Mr. Foster expressed to her over his job and his personal life because the agent didn't ask."
Huh? Remember that in April Thomases' lawyer did not characterize Thomases' FBI interview report in that way at all. He simply said that the FBI report was "wrong" or "incorrect" or "in error" or something like that (see the front page Wall Street Journal article in April).
Further, ask yourself why the FBI was interviewing Thomases at all? The FBI (for the Fiske OIC) was conducting an investigation into the death of Vince Foster. The Bureau interviews Thomases about the Foster death and what he said to her in their last meeting, etc., was not asked?
In my humble opinion, this sounds kinda strange to say the least!
Here are the relevant portions of Susan Thomases' FBI interview Report (S.Hrg. 103-889, Volume II, pages 1777-1778) with my comments in brackets:
[Did the FBI ask about her last meeting with Foster? Yes:] "She last saw Vincent Foster on Wednesday or Thursday before his death."
["What were the circumstances of that meeting?" The FBI apparently asked. Why does it appear this happened? Because the interview report continues:] "She believes they had lunch together with some other people in Washington." [She told Stewart they met for the last time on Wednesday night at 2020 "O" Street alone].
[The FBI apparently then asked if she noticed any change in Foster at that last meeting. Why does it appear this happened? Because the interview report continues:] "She noted no change in his demeanor or physical appearance." [She said exactly the opposite to Stewart in Blood Sport re her last meeting with Foster.]
[The FBI apaprently asked, even if only in hindsight, whether she could provide the Brueau with any reasons or even any specualtion as to why Foster might take his own life. In the words of the itnerview report:] "His death came as a complete shock to her and she can off no reason or speculation as to why he may have taken his life."
[Contrast this with the strongly-worded recounting Thomases told Stewart Foster gave her at their last meeting re his failed marriage. If true, this account would be a powerful reason why Foster might have taken his own life. Why didn't Thomases speak up to the FBI -- she certainly spoke up to Stewart.]
[The apparent purpose of this recounting in Blood Sport is to provide a new reason why Foster was clinically depressed and therefore took his own life -- the failed marriage adds to the laundry list of items proferred, supposedly by Foster, in the so-called White House torn note. This "personal dimension" might have been thought necessary to publicize since one crticism of the content of the so-called Foster torn suicide note is that it says nothing about Foster's family -- no words of farewell, etc.]
[The "failed marriage" datum, sole-sourced from Thomases by Stewart, thus serves two purposes: It was to add a powerful and intensely personal (as opposed to work-related) reason Foster took his own life and to make it more understandable why there were no words of "farewell" etc., to his wife/family in the torn note: Foster is said, by Thomases, to have told Thomases that he could not confide in his wife, that she was a total burden on him and could not make decisions, that his marriage was a failure and had been a failure for some years. That this state of affairs had recently been exacerbated by Lisa's appearance in Washington in June.]
[A "suicide victim" in this sort of relationship might well not put any words of farewell to his wife in a "suicide note," especially if he was not the vindictive type, as Foster was not.]
[Thomases, in the words of Jerry Seper's article, said ". . .the agent didn't ask." I think the wording of the interview report itself powefully contradicts this assertion. First the FBI interview report was "wrong" sayeth Thomases' attorney in April to the Wall Street Journal. Now Thomses under oath says "the agent didn't ask."]
[You decide what is really going on here. My May Media Bypass article goes through the Foster-related coverage in Blood Sport in some detail and finds it falls short of the superlative reviews given it in the mainstream press. The Thomases conflict between what she told Stewart about her last meeting with Vince Foster and what she told the FBI about the same meeting is only one of the items covered.]
Warm regards,
Hugh S.