July 29, 1993
Mr. PRYOR. Madam President, while we are awaiting the managers
for the next legislation to be before the Senate, I would like to
take this opportunity to say a few words as a tribute to the late
Vincent Foster, Jr., who is a dear friend who, as we in Washington
and we in Arkansas are now all too painfully aware, died last week.
Vincent Foster was certainly a man who was as compassionate and
thoughtful as he was brilliant, and our hearts go out to his
family. Vincent Foster will be sorely missed. He was a native of
Hope, Arkansas.
Vince was born to a wonderful family. Vincent, Sr., and Alice Mae Foster were leaders in their community and took great pride in their children. They raised a fine family of which any parents would be proud. Vincent, Jr.'s father, Vincent, Sr., passed away just in July of 1991.
Vince`s life was filled with honors and accomplishments. He graduated first in his class in 1971 from the University of Arkansas School of Law, where he was the managing editor of the Arkansas Law Review. He then scored the highest grade on the Arkansas bar exam before joining Little Rock`s prestigious Rose Law Firm. In only 2 short years Vincent Foster was made a full partner. A 1992 article in the magazine American Lawyer described him as "the soul of the firm."
He was named the Pulaski County Bar Association's "Lawyer of the Year" in 1990. He recently received the "Outstanding Lawyer Award" from the Arkansas Bar Association and the Arkansas Bar Federation. He was also recently named one of "The Best Lawyers in America" in 1993-94.
But Vince Foster`s professional accomplishments did not prevent him from working on behalf of his community. Throughout his career, Vince Foster was actively involved in organizations that provide legal services for the poor, and he once chaired the Arkansas Advisory Council to the Legal Services Corporation. The Arkansas Repertory Theater was his passion, and he became synonymous with its presence and is largely responsible for its success.
But more than anything, Vince was proudest of his role as a husband, as a father. His wife, Lisa, and their three children meant so very much to Vince Foster. This is a special family of strong people, made of good stuff. To many of us he was an inspiration.
Madam President, let me assure that family and his friends that Vince Foster, Jr., will be remembered warmly and fondly. He will remain in our hearts. He will remain in the hearts of countless other people of all walks of life whom he helped and befriended over the years of his all too brief life.
This document is an unofficial version of the Congressional Record. The printed Congressional Record produced by the Government Printing Office is the only official version.