Conservatives hide truth
- by John Clifton, posted to the Internet December 5, 1996

We know who they are: Rush "relentlessly in pursuit of the truth" Limbaugh, Oliver "the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth" North, G. Gordon Liddy, Gary Aldrich, Paul Gigot, Fred Barnes, William Kristol, Bill Clinger, Al D'Amato, Dave McIntosh, Dan Burton, Wesley Pruden, Michael Barone to name a few.

I must sadly agree, although I had been giving Aldrich the benefit of the doubt, as a sincere dupe who had been conned into believing the suicide cover story. But like Cong. Burton, that view cannot stand scrutiny --- he of all people is in a position where he knows too much to possibly believe Foster died in Fort Marcy Park.

Ditto for Rush --- he used to coo about how "plugged in" he was to the Internet, email, the news groups, state-of-the-art PCs, and how he relied on them for alternative information. But I guess too many normal folk also got online, and after tapping into the same resource, found out first hand how much he was withholding from his own dittoheads. If little old Anyguy could find and download Hugh Sprunt's article, Knowlton's testimony, Norman's spiked Forbes essay, or the entire backlog of Ruddy's and Evans-Pritchard's heavily documented, sourced, and ground-breaking stories on this topic alone, how could Plugged-in Limbaugh NOT know about it?

When the realization came that Rush and other "conservatives" HAD TO KNOW, it opened my eyes as well. We are living in a time, as a C-Span caller recently put it, of "the two national medias" in America --- the elite traditional media, vs. the Internet and its sympathizers. The rest of us now have a tool to bypass the information bottlenecks set up by the self-appointed gatekeepers of respectable discourse. Through the Web, the current cover story can be critically compared to information published by regional papers, the foreign press, independent investigators and released FOIA documents. The state and its drones can no longer effectively monopolize Official Truth, and marginalize rational dissent. Fostergate is just one manifestation of the new level playing field. Keep up the good work, for there's much more to be done. The truth shall yet set us free, and get our free society back.