How to Obtain Government Information on the Death of Vince Foster

The 1995 Senate Whitewater Hearings began two days ago on July 18, 1995. The 1995 Senate Whitewater Hearings began with an examination of the fate of the papers located in Vince Foster's White House office on the day he died. The Senate Banking Committee "Hearings Hot Line" phone number is (202) 224-0791 and plays a taped message about currently scheduled hearings, the subject matter thereof, the witnesses who will be called, and so on. The House Banking Committee has scheduled its own 1995 Whitewater Hearings to begin sometime the week of August 7, 1995. The House Banking Committee "Hearings Hot Line" phone number is (202) 225-7588.

The 1994 Senate Hearings and Report Volumes that cover the death of Vince Foster can be obtained by contacting the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Room SD-534, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. The Senate Banking Committee phone number is (202) 224-7391. The two Hearings Volumes and the Report Volume cited on the title page constitute the official "record" on which the report you have in your hands is based and were released to the public by the US Senate in 1995. The two 1994 Hearings Volumes total 2672 pages and the related Report Volume is 54 pages long, for a total of 2726 pages. Presumably the Hearings Volumes for the 1995 Senate Whitewater Hearings will be released by the Document Clerk sometime after those proceedings are complete in late 1995 or early 1996.

The Senate Banking Committee Document Clerk's phone number (the Document Clerk actually ships the volumes) is (202) 224-1578 [Fax: (202) 224-5137]. The author has dealt with the Senate Document Clerk's office since the end of the 1994 Senate Whitewater Hearings in August 1994 and has found the individuals in that office to be extremely helpful.

The Fiske Report, released to the public on June 30, 1994; can be obtained by calling (202) 514-8688 [Fax: (202) 514-8802]. This is the phone number of the DC Office of Independent Counsel for Whitewater and Related Matters (headed since August 1994 by Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr, replacing former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske). The text of the entire Fiske Report is contained in the Senate documents so, if small print is not a problem, the Fiske Report can be obtained by ordering the two Senate Hearings Volumes above. The so-called "Final" Fiske Report has never been made available to the public nor has any significant part of the investigative work-product of his successor, Mr. Kenneth W. Starr.

A copy of the US Park Police Case File #93-30502, Death Investigation 7/20/93, Ft. Marcy/G.W.M.P.) can still (possibly) be obtained from the US Park Police, Anacostia Station. Captain C.W. Hume (Badge #823) signed off on the US Park Police Report on August 5, 1993, and it was released to the public in July 1994. It is the least formal of the three substantial government reports on the death of Vince Foster. The address of the US Park Police Criminal Investigation Branch unit that handled the US Park Police investigation of the death of Vince Foster is United States Park Police, Anacostia Station, 1901 Anacostia Drive, SE, Washington, D.C. 20020. The phone number is (202) 690-5000. Virtually all of the US Park Police Case File is also contained in the two Senate Hearings Volumes.

The Ranking Republican on the Committee on Government Operations issued an eight-page "Summary Report" on August 12, 1994, on the Death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. This committee is now called the Government Reform & Oversight Committee, and is currently chaired by the former ranking member, Representative William F. Clinger, Jr. (R-Pa.-5). His address is 2160 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 [Phone: (202) 225-2121]. The "Oversight Committee" is now located in Room 2157 of the Rayburn Building [Phone: (202) 225-5074].