Executive Summary

The facts in this "Citizen's Independent Report" on the death of Mr. Foster have been extracted directly from the raw evidence the Senate released in January 1995 (2726 pages in three volumes). This voluminous Senate material is presented here in a much more coherent and logical fashion.

This report contains many citations to the official record, should readers wish to check the accuracy of the quotations and other facts in this report against the record. This report contains evidence from the US Park Police Case Jacket on the death of Vince Foster, from later FBI witness interviews, from testimony and depositions taken in connection with the 1994 Senate Whitewater Hearings, and from the huge number of documents gathered by official investigators. For a quick overview of some of the disturbing facts taken straight from the official record, see the next section of this report.

The US Park Police Report, The Fiske Report, and the 1994 Senate Report (the "Reports") selectively included data that supported the officially-sanctioned "suicide verdict" and ignored, or gave little weight to, those that did not. Therefore, many facts in this report will be "new," even to those who have followed the prior investigations via the media. The author is putting the disturbing raw data from the record before the public in an attempt to convince Congress to hold the open and unrestricted inquiry into Vince Foster's death that should have occurred in July 1993.

Examples of the selectivity of the official Reports: 1) Two witnesses at Fort Marcy Park the afternoon of Vince Foster's death described individuals whom they saw in the vicinity of Mr. Foster's Honda about a half hour before his body was officially discovered. One of these individuals was seen sitting in the Honda. The other stood by the Honda which had its hood raised. Mr. Foster was nowhere to be seen. These individuals were not considered important enough to be a factor in the conclusions reached by the official Reports. 2) One of these witnesses told the FBI that information recorded in her prior official interview did not accurately reflect what she had said, but the official Reports ignored that unpleasant circumstance.

Witness statements and other useful data were ignored by the official Reports unless they bolstered the "suicide verdict." Examples: 1) The decision to treat the death as a suicide was made before the Criminal Investigation Branch investigators had even seen the body and 2) The Park Police closed its investigation before learning whether the gun found with Mr. Foster could shoot.

There are gross contradictions in the record evidenced by the official photographs, the FBI interview of the doctor who examined the body at Fort Marcy, the official autopsy report, and the statements made by US Park Police and Fairfax County personnel. Times in the record are often contradictory and items that disturb the official consensus are given short shrift in the Reports. There is strong evidence that Foster's White House connection was known not later than 6:35 PM (at least an hour before its "official" discovery), although the White House was not notified until 8:30 PM per the Secret Service memo in the record. Are the various contradictions significant? See the next section.

Mr. Foster's body and his Honda were searched, but no car keys were found at Fort Marcy Park. This raised the possibility that someone else had driven his car to Fort Marcy Park. Mr. Foster's car keys were located in his previously-searched pants pocket hours later and miles away from the park on the key ring holding his "personal" keys. Another key ring, with his White House keys, was discovered at that time along with his personal keys. The White House key ring held a high-security type key, a plastic tab, a key for double-bitted cam locks, and two keys for standard door locks.

This report offers no "ultimate" reason for Mr. Foster's death. Instead, it describes the very sizable errors, omissions, and inconsistencies latent in the record, items that have not been part of the public debate about his death. It's time they should be. They are amazing enough all by themselves.