The information in Appendix I was developed by the author and his incognito associate, DCA, from aerial imagery of Fort Marcy park and environs and from publicly-available Fairfax County, Virginia, property records. This table and the Maps in Appendix II are the only significant Foster-related information in this report not taken directly from the record. As explained therein, the Table of Homes provides specific examples of incorrect information and other investigative failures this author associates with the Fiske Report
Appendix II -- Three Maps of Fort Marcy And The Surrounding Area
Three maps of Fort Marcy Park and the surrounding area [Maps IV, V (R), and VI] are found in Appendix II. The reader should review these maps prior to reading this report. These maps should be referred to as necessary thereafter. The reader is directed to the maps by the text from time to time, but not on every occasion on which they might prove useful to the reader.
Map IV is an engineering drawing of Fort Marcy itself (Fort Marcy is part of Fort Marcy Park) lifted from the National Archives and annotated in the author's puerile hand. Map V (R) is a map of Fort Marcy Park and nearby homes traced by the author from an aerial photo run flown on the morning of April 7, 1993. Map VI is a portion of a Fairfax County plat map showing the outline of Fort Marcy Park with the surrounding residential lots and subdivisions annotated by the author. Immediately following Map V(R) is a color photocopy derived from an aerial photo run using color infrared film.
No such maps (or aerial photographs) are part of the record, although Mr. Fiske informed the 1994 Senate Whitewater Committee that "Large aerial photographs of Fort Marcy Park are available for viewing at the OIC should you so desire [1345; see also 947,971]." The record does contain numerous not-to-scale extemporaneous freehand sketches of limited utility.
The author has very large-scale black and white (1:500) and color infrared aerial imagery of Fort Marcy Park and the surrounding area from tracks flown both before and after Mr. Foster's death and timed to minimize leaf cover. Very little of this aerial imagery is part of this report due to cost and size constraints (the larger black and white photos are 20" by 20" and 18" by 18"), but Map V (R) and in Appendix II, having been traced from aerial imagery, should serve as a passable (and cheaper!) substitute, especially when viewed in conjunction with the single color infrared photocopy following Map V(R). The author has several dozen ground-level photos of points of interest at Fort Marcy Park. While useful, they are not included in this report because doing so would also increase the production cost significantly, too significantly for this author, anyway.
[The FBI has been in Fort Marcy Park more or less continuously since the afternoon of September 12, 1995. The park has been essentially closed to the public since September 12th. Tens of thousands of square feet of vegetation have been removed, save only the large trees, downrange of the spot where Vince Foster is said to have shot himself some five yards west of the so-called "second cannon". A thorough search, including the trees themselves, is apparently being conducted by a half dozen agents for "the bullet" that is said to have killed Vince Foster. As of October 7, there has been no announcement that the bullet (or anything else on consequence) has been found by the FBI in this, the third search for the bullet.]
Appendix III -- The Photo Of The Hand With The Gun That Was Leaked To ABC News
Appendix III contains a photocopy (originally taken from the image on a color TV screen) of the picture of Mr. Foster's right hand and the revolver therein. This image is referred to several times in the body of the report in different contexts. It is the only image purported to be of the body that has ever been released to the public. The photographic image originally appeared on ABC News Friday, March 11, 1994.
In the original color image (which the author believes was provided to Reuters at the direction of the White House and then given to ABC News), the gun contrasts even more sharply with the hand and the background. There has been some speculation, commencing as soon as it was released, that this photo is not what it purports to be. However, no person involved in the official Foster death investigations has called it into question. Presumably Reuters and ABC News were (and are) professionally satisfied as to its authenticity as well since those two organization have not questioned the authenticity of the photo since they released it.
Appendix IV -- The Locator Table
Appendix IV contains a Locator Table that should aid readers in finding the particular page in the Senate Hearings Volumes on which the testimony or deposition of a given witness begins, an FBI interview with a particular individual is to be found, a US Park Police internal report authored by a particular individual commences, and so on. An effort has been made to include all witnesses covered by the Hearings Volumes, whether the author believes their evidence is significant or not.
The Locator Table in Appendix IV also contains the Hearings Volume page number for what the author believes are the more significant documents found in the Hearings Volumes. The table is sorted by the name of the individual involved or the title of the document being referenced. If nothing else, Appendix IV should provide a great deal of assistance to those who have found the "organization" of the 1994 Hearings Volumes frustrating. The Hearings Volumes are supposed to contain raw data from the investigation and that they definitely do, but the author wonders why the information in the Hearings Volumes could not have been put in a more logical order and the duplicate documents culled before it was printed.
Appendix V -- Civilian Vehicles Seen At Fort Marcy The Afternoon of July 20, 1993
Appendix V contains a listing of each description of a civilian vehicle that made an appearance at the Fort Marcy Park parking lot on the afternoon of July 20, 1993 (unless a vehicle in the record managed to "slip past" the author -- a certainty if it was not mentioned in the official record).
Often a vehicle was seen by more than one witness and the descriptions they gave differed somewhat (as should be expected), so one vehicle may have multiple entries in the table. Multiple descriptions that the author believes describe one vehicle are grouped together in the table. The vehicles that the author believes are sufficiently interesting are covered at the appropriate places in the body of the report.
Appendix VI -- Table Of Official Comings And Goings
Appendix VI contains data on the "comings and goings" of selected individuals on the afternoon and evening of Mr. Foster's death. It is necessarily incomplete since, somewhat surprisingly, the record is often silent about the time someone arrived at (or, more commonly, left) a location. Estimated times are given if a witness provided a time-range, or if an approximate time can be gleaned from witness accounts.
Questions marks are used when in the author's opinion, there is substantial uncertainty (one of those judgment calls again!) concerning the time someone arrived or departed one of the listed locations. In significant situations, the body of this report will discuss the particular arrival-departure issue.
Appendix VII -- List Of Principal Persons
Appendix VII is a Table of Principal Persons, their job titles, and a short comment referencing a significant connection each has to the body of this report. Unlike Appendix IV, numerous individuals mentioned in the Hearings Volumes are not listed (as unimportant) and there are no cross references to their location in the Hearings volumes (see Appendix IV for those).
This is the best table to refer to if the reader does not recognize the name of a person appearing in the body of the report. The author suggests this table be read before starting the body of the report. It is one of the last appendices because the author hopes readers will use scanning Appendix VII as an opportunity to page this entire report to get a feeling for it before putting it to the use(s) they choose.
Appendix VIII -- Biographical Summary
Appendix VIII contains the one-page biographical summary of the author that was referenced in the cover letter to Chairman D'Amato in an effort to persuade the Senator that the author is not a kook.
There Is Only One Table Within The Body Of This Report
That table is on the following page and lists the abbreviations used from this point forward.