Abbreviations Used In This Report

Full Name*                Abbreviation    Full Name                 Abbreviation
------------------------  ------------    ------------------------- ------------
Vincent W. Foster, Jr.           VWF      Fort Marcy Park                  FMP
United States Park Police        USPP     Chain Bridge Road                CBR
Office of Legal Counsel          OLC      George Washington Parkway        GWMP
US Secret Service                USSS     Fairfax County, Virginia         FC
WH Communications Agency         WHCA     Little Rock                      LR
The Confidential Witness         CW       Arkansas                         AR
Department of Justice            DOJ      Emergency Medical Services       EMS
Rose Law Firm                    RLF      FC Fire & Rescue Dept.           FCFRD
The White House                  WH       FCFRD Ambulance Unit 1           A01
The President                    WJC#     FCFRD Medic Unit 1               M01
The First Lady                   HRC##    FCFRD Engine Unit 1              E01
Chelsea Victoria Clinton         CVC      FCFRD Truck Unit 1               T01P
Criminal Investigation Branch    CIB      Assistant US Attorney            AUSA
* By custom and tradition, the abbreviation, "FBI" [like "IRS"], is well known to all Americans and therefore is not listed as one of the Abbreviations Used In The Report.

# Lest the reader think otherwise, no disrespect is meant by use of the President's initials in this report. Independent Counsel Robert Fiske referred to the President as "WJC" in connection with the President's Deposition [1815], and his doing so was "Okay" with the President. The author infers that any American would be granted this privilege by WJC if the occasion arose.

## Lest the reader think otherwise, no disrespect is meant by his use of the First Lady's initials in this report. VWF referred to the First Lady as "HRC" in the torn note found in his briefcase at the WH OLC six days after his death [353]. The author is quite certain that VWF meant no disrespect when he did so and the author intends no disrespect to HRC either.