Appendix I
Table of Homes Nearest Mr. Foster's Body

Homes Nearest Mr. Foster's [VWF's] Body -- Estimated From Aerial Imagery 
Street                    Lot   Distance to VWF Same Side Apparent Legal 
Address                   No.   From Front Door Of CBR?   Owner  **** 
------------------------- ----- -----------     --------- ----------------------
640 Chain Bridge Rd.*     1A    720 Feet        NO        K. of Saudi Arabia

650 Chain Bridge Rd.**    37    700 Feet        NO        K. of Saudi Arabia

660 Chain Bridge Rd.      37A   300 Feet        NO        *
Homes on Cricket Place  Various ~550 Feet       NO        Various 
[Merry Wood on the Potomac]

681 Chain Bridge Rd.***   39    470 Feet        YES       *

1315 Merrie Ridge Rd.     3     560 Feet @      YES       * 
[The Dogwoods]

1317 Merrie Ridge Rd.     4     570 Feet @      YES       Senator J. B. Johnston
[The Dogwoods]                                           (Democrat of Louisiana)
* This address apparently is the Saudi Arabian Ambassador's Residence referred to in the Fiske Report as being the "closest building to the park." [There is a an outbuilding 420 feet from the body.]

** This structure is also owned by The Kingdom. Construction of this building was underway on the day VWF died, so this appears to be the Saudi construction work referred to in the Fiske Report. It was typical for workers' cars to be parked on the south side of Chain Bridge Road near the north pedestrian entrance to FMP.

*** This home is on a lot that abuts Fort Marcy Park [FMP] at the park's northwest corner.

**** Per public property ownership records of Fairfax County and contacts with the Tax Office.

@ These lots that are separated from the western edge of FMP by the unimproved portion of Lot 39.

* The current corporate owner (McLean International, Ltd.) purchased from the individual owners on 9/7/93. The former individual owners are not obvious public personages, so their names are omitted.

* The owner of this home is not obviously a public personage. Thus, although public, his name is omitted. The owner apparently rents 681 Chain Bridge Road [CBR] to others. The same individual also owns Lot 38, another lot that abuts the west side of FMP, on which an old abandoned cabin is located.

* The owner of this home is not obviously a public personage. Thus, his name is also omitted.

Note: The Saudi Residence is not "the closest building to the park," despite this quotation from Page 55 of the Fiske Report (Whitewater Hearings Volumes, 230). The front doors of all of the non-Saudi-owned buildings listed above are closer to the official body location than is the Saudi Residence. [See Maps IV, V(R) & VI] Although the only known direct connection of the buildings to the death of VWF is merely geographic, one might ask how and why the Fiske Report contains such a fundamental error.

Furthermore, based on a review of publicly-released documents from the VWF Investigations (that is, the unredacted portions thereof accessible by the public), it appears that no one other than the Saudis was ever interviewed by the US Park Police, The FBI, or attorneys with the Fiske Office of Independent Counsel. None of the public official documents even mentions these non-Saudi dwellings.

The last three lots are separated from body's official location only by uneven, heavily-treed, park land, an old road that runs south from Chain Bridge Road through Lot 39, and the western border fence of Fort Marcy Park (the fence is collapsed for a few feet near the old cabin on Lot 38). The entrance to the old road on the south side of CBR is quite discrete. For comparison, the line-of-sight distance from FMP's north side pedestrian entrance to the body is 450 feet (and from his car, 600 feet).