Issue 373
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Whitewater blow for Mrs Clinton By Stephen Robinson in Washington
FBI agents have found Hillary Clinton's fingerprints on documents which mysteriously turned up in the White House two years after they were subpoenaed by Whitewater investigators. The documents are photocopies of billing records for Whitewater-related work Mrs Clinton did as a lawyer in Little Rock when President Clinton was Arkansas governor.
The Clintons answered the subpoena by saying they could not find the documents, until an aide discovered them one day in a room used only by the first family and their closest associates. Newsweek magazine, which reports the story in its current issue, quoted one investigator as saying the identification of Mrs Clinton's fingerprints could be "critical" in bringing a possible obstruction of justice case against her.
The copies were made by campaign handlers in 1992 as they tried to answer reporters' questions about the Whitewater affair. Mrs Clinton's lawyer has said in the past that she had no recollection of handling the copies, though he said "it is possible" she did. The timing of the leak may be significant. Last week, the Clintons' defenders attacked Kenneth Starr, the Whitewater special prosecutor, as a Right-wing Republican bent on destroying the couple's reputations.
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