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International News | Electronic Telegraph |
Monday July 1 1996![]() |
Issue 417
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FBI agent tells of Clinton's 'secret trips to meet woman in hotel' By Stephen Robinson in Washington
A FORMER FBI agent who served in the White House has claimed that President Clinton hides under a blanket as he is driven to assignations with a woman in a Washington hotel room. Gary Aldrich, who retired from the FBI last summer after 30 years' service, makes the allegation in a book entitled Unlimited Access. He also describes several heated rows between Mr Clinton and his wife, Hillary. The claims were reported in several American newspapers yesterday and the New York Post ran its report under the headline "The Wild House". A White House spokesman dismissed the allegations as "trash". Mr Aldrich says that when Mr Clinton wants to meet the unidentified woman, he leaves the White House after midnight lying under a blanket on the back seat of a car driven past the Secret Service guard-post by his close friend, Bruce Lindsey. Mr Lindsey was named this month as co-conspirator in a Little Rock bank fraud trial. Mr Aldrich alleges that the two men drive about half a mile to the basement of the Marriott Hotel where Mr Clinton takes a special goods lift to a room hired in someone else's name. Mr Lindsey, the president's most trusted adviser, reportedly waits in the car for his friend to return. Mr Aldrich does not speculate upon the identity of the woman Mr Clinton is visiting other than to say he understands she might be a "celebrity". Mr Aldrich adds details of another alleged relationship the president enjoys with a young member of the White House staff, who is also unnamed but is described as "very attractive but a little dizzy". He also claims knowledge of several rows between Mr and Mrs Clinton, including one on inauguration day in January 1993 over a demand by Mrs Clinton that she should have the office normally reserved for the vice-president. Mrs Clinton lost the argument, but the exchange became so heated that Secret Service agents wondered whether they should intervene, he says.
The order swiftly went out from the First Lady's office that knickers were to be worn at all timeMr Aldrich makes no secret of his dislike for the Clintons and their circle of advisers, whom he sees as a group of muddle-headed liberals. He records that Mrs Clinton is known to staff as Queen Hillary because of her imperial manner and hostility to subordinates. Mr Aldrich claims that many employees on Mr Clinton's staff had taken drugs over the years and he says a colleague once found two male officials having sex in the showers. He retired after three "unhappy years" in the White House, which he said reminded him of his earlier career on the streets dealing with mobsters. But this time, he says, he was "fighting a new mafia, this one from Arkansas". Mark Fabiani, a White House spokesman, dismissed Mr Aldrich's claims as "trash for Right-wing cash" based on mixture of "rumour and innuendo". Some of Mr Aldrich's account should be treated with scepticism because of his political bias, but a lot of it accords with previous published accounts of the strains and stresses of life in the White House. Senators investigating the White House's handling of confidential FBI files on members of past Republican administrations are taking Mr Aldrich seriously. Some of his allegations were raised yesterday during a hearing of a Senate judiciary committee which is trying to determine who called up the files. Among his more bizarre assertions is that one young volunteer worker was upbraided by Mrs Clinton for not wearing knickers under a short skirt. According to Mr Aldrich, the order swiftly went out from the First Lady's office that knickers were to be worn at all time. Mr Aldrich also claims that he was told by Craig Livingstone, the former head of personnel security at the White House, that Vince Foster expressed concern that rumours of his affair with Mrs Clinton were about to re-surface shortly before his apparent suicide in July 1993. This article appeared in Saturday's edition of the Daily Telegraph
25 June 1996: Clinton escapes pre-poll sex trial
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