Syndicated articles written by New York Post reporter John Crudele are reproduced via the Colts Neck (NJ) Reporter with permission of the author. Copyright © 1996 - All Rights Reserved.
Whitewater Will Go Beyond the Election
- by John Crudele, October 18, 1996
Anyone who thinks Independent Counsel Ken Starr is planning to finish up
his investigation anytime soon, should consider this.
Starr's troops in Little Rock are moving to new offices - smaller yet cheaper.
I couldn't find out the length of the lease, but it is clear from the move
that nobody is planning to finish this investigation anytime soon - whether
or not President Clinton wins re-election in November.
Meanwhile, investigators connected with Starr's office have come up with
an elaborate diagram of how money was skimmed off various state projects.
The scam, which I'll share with readers in a column in the near future,
is dizzyingly complicated but probably reaped many millions for those whose
benefit it was designed.
(John Crudele is a financial columnist with the New York Post. His mailing address is P.O. Box 610, Lincroft, N.J. 07738. Click here to send him e-mail).