Syndicated articles written by New York Post reporter John Crudele are reproduced via the Colts Neck (NJ) Reporter with permission of the author. Copyright © 1996 - All Rights Reserved.
Will Hillary be indicted?
- by John Crudele, July 5, 1996
None of the stuff I wrote above [about Bill Clinton's digging up dirt on opponents, or about the Branscum/Hill trial] will matter much if the rumors I hear of the
imminent indictment of Hillary Clinton prove true. We've all heard these before,
and I've refrained from writing about the past gossip. But this time the rumors
seem more believable.
Indictments are supposed to be coming on Mrs. Clinton and others from the
grand jury in Washington. That'll mean less on financial irregularities and more
on things like obstruction of justice, perjury, fraud and other things that First
Ladies aren't supposed to do.
When? Maybe today.
(John Crudele is a financial columnist with the New York Post. His mailing address is P.O. Box 610, Lincroft, N.J. 07738. Click here to send him e-mail).